AdvanTech’s overall exercise design and development approach complies with Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) principles, and utilizes lessons learned and best practices incorporated through our involvement in exercises and workshops over the last 30 years.  Our nationally recognized exercise staff includes HSEEP train-the-trainers, Master Exercise Practitioners (MEP), and actual Instructors at FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI) who have planned, developed, conducted, produced after-action reporting, and recommended improvement plans for a myriad of exercise scenarios.  We can produce realistic and fully HSEEP compliant exercises of any size or complexity, to include actors as role players for realism and full moulage to simulate injuries and illness.  AdvanTech can work seamlessly with client representatives and planners in a step-by-step approach designed to build or enhance internal response capabilities.  Each step in the process is followed by training and preparation as needs are identified.


Exercise activities include:

  • Seminars to present plans and plan updates
  • Workshops to identify and address issues for plan development
  • Drills to attain, practice and perfect skills for both individuals and groups
  • Table-Top discussions to identify intended responses and/or improvement needs for scenarios as presented
  • Functional Exercises to demonstrate selected actions, while simulating other responses
  • Full-Scale Exercises to demonstrate actual response capabilities of organizations


AdvanTech’s approach can provide an accurate measurement of any organization’s ability to perform selected mission functions during an actual disaster incident or planned special event and include a recommended improvement plan to support subsequent activities and training programs.  We can design and deliver various exercise scenarios such as: Mass Casualty/Mass Fatality CBRNE/WMD/HazMat, Pandemic Influenza, Terrorism/Bioterrorism, Natural Disaster, Active Shooter, and Special Events that focus on an organization’s capability to communicate effectively and manage the response to threats to mission, personnel and infrastructure.


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