ATI has leveraged its extensive experience in Asset Tracking, Asset Visibility, Automated Data Capture Technologies, and Detailed Transaction Reconciliation to our AVA Ballot Manager. Bringing Accuracy, Visibility and Accountability to the Election Process, the AVA Ballot Manager provides:

  • Voter Registration Validation
  • Voter Identity 2-way Authentication
  • Absentee Ballot Request Validation
  • Ballot Transparency – RFID integration provides real-time visibility with no human intervention


Real Time Location System (RTLS) – Automatically tracks each ballot as it passes through each work area, section or workstation, ending when the vote has been successfully cast and recorded.


Digital DNA – RFID can provide a high-tech automated solution to validate the authenticity of each ballot.

  • Provides visibility when:
    • Ballots are mailed out
    • Completed ballots are received
    • Ballots are validated or rejected
    • Ballots are cast
  • Audit Reports:
    • RFID ballot read events compared to ballots processed
    • Historical comparisons and trend analysis

To learn more about solutions for your County’s ballot system, contact us to discuss further.


AdvanTech, Inc. makes your firm’s accuracy, visibility and accountability our responsibility.
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